Our application process is simple, and completed entirely online at Questions we’re often asked include: 


  1. Is there an application fee?
    • $60 per applicants
    • $40 for co-signers and adults 18+
  2. What are our application requirements?
    • Gross three times the monthly base rent
      • If you do not meet this requirement, you may qualify with a co-signer 
    • Pass a background and credit screening
    • All applicants must be at least 21 years-old
  3. What fees do we charge prior to move-in?
    • $125 occupancy permit fee for properties located in the City of St. Louis
      • $50 for our Westvale property in Festus, MO
    • Security deposit (variable by property)
    • Your first month's rent
    • Pet fees (if you have pets), up-to 2 pets 
      • $200 non-refundable deposit for 1 pet
      • $300 non-refundable deposit for 2 pets
    • Additional, conditional charges may be required for some applicants
  4. What charges, other than rent, can you expect?
    • Pet Rent
      • $30/mo for 1 pet
      • $50/mo for 2 pets
    • Laundry
      • The following properties have an optional $40 charge for unlimited use of our laundry room:
        • 4464 Russell, 2006 Maury, 2012 Maury
      • Our property at McAdoo allows residents to rent machines from us (unlimited use) for $50/mo, or residents can provide their own washer/dryer for $15/mo.
      • Most of our buildings have coin-operated machines, while some have personal, in-unit machines - see our listing for specifics regarding your interested unit. There is no charge for laundry at these properties.
    • Parking
      • Gerhart Lofts = $75/mo per space
      • 3312, 3314, and 3316 Russell = $45/mo per space
      • 1502-1506 Westvale = $35/mo per garage space
      • Most of our properties have easily accessed, paved parking lots 
    • Secure storage is provided, free of charge, in most of our buildings.
  5. How soon can I move-in?
    • Applicants can have a lease start date and receive their keys 5 days* after submitting an approved application.
  6. We are usually looking for a 12-month lease, but please ask us if you need a shorter or longer term.


Apply Here!


*5 days is not a guaranteed timeline. There are many other factors that contribute to this process, and Nash Properties is in no way responsible if the timeframe referenced is not met.