NOTE: Applications are processed in a FIRST TO COMPLETE, FIRST SERVED protocol.ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA, Property Management Redefined utilizes a wholistic screening approach where the following factors together result in the approval of an application:AI Score: greater or equal to 701 - failure to meet this score alone does not result in a blanket denialCredit score: greater or equal to 620 - failure to meet this score alone does not result in a blanket denialCombined Income of Occupants: 3 times the current rentCosigner Income (if applicable): 6 times the current rentNo previous evictions that resulted in a judgment that has not been satisfied within the last four yearsPassing relevant Criminal background checkPassing relevant credit history: One or more of the following in addition to failure to meet the scoring above will result in application denial: late payments, account charge-offs, negative credit reporting.Pets are case by case basisNote: Credit information or credit report, tenant screening report, or any other consumer report demonstrating a failure to pay rent or utility bills during COVID-19 emergency periods are not considered.
2) Application Fees
APPLICATION FEES ARE NON-REFUNDABLEApplication Convenience Fee: $3.00Application Fee For:Applicants/Co-applicants (roommates, spouse): $60.00Other (dependents): $60.00Co-signer/Guarantor: $30.00