1) What's your application fee?
The application fee is $35 per adult (18 years or older) Every Adult residing in the home MUST apply.
2) Do you accept Housing Choice Vouchers or Rapid Rehousing?
Yes. Payton's Place considers all applications regardless of the voucher program. We ask that prospective tenants do their research and make sure that your housing program will cover the rental price. Below are links that show you the price limits of the voucher programs in DC and MD based on the neighborhood or zip code. If our current rental price exceeds the price limit, the home would be ineligible for the voucher program. DC Voucher http://www.dchousing.org/rent_hcvp.aspx/default.aspx; Maryland Voucher https://www.princegeorgescountymd.gov/1372/Housing-Voucher-Standards
3) What are the qualifications for applications?
No set qualifications. We rate all applications on 4 major factors: 1. Income 2.Residential History 3. Credit History 4. Background. If one of the factors aren't the best but the other factors are strong, you may still have a great chance. Please be sure to add as much information as possible, such as pay stubs, current and past landlord references to strengthen your application.
4) Are cosignors allowed?
Yes. The cosignor would also have to apply and pay the $35 application fee.
5) Are there any pet deposits or fees?
If the home allows pets, the standard pet deposit is $300. This could increase if the tenant has more than one pet.