Frequently Asked Questions

1) What is the application process and How long does it take to process the application?
Thank you for asking. It all depends on how fast you get us the information that we need to process the application. First we will need you or a representative to view the home in person. Second we will need you to submit a full application from our website. Once you submit your application we will need you to provide proof of income before we can proceed with your application. We will need you to email: . If you are self employed or own your own business we will need you to provide your last 2 years of tax returns. Lastly we will need to verify your rental history if you have any so it would be a good idea to reach out to your current landlord and let them know that we will be contacting them soon. If all this is done in a timely manner we should be able to fully process an application within 48 hours of submission.