Frequently Asked Questions

1) How long will it take to approve my application?
We generally complete applications within two business days. Keep in mind, we do not start the screening process until we have all supporting documents.

2) Do I need a separate application for each property I'm interested in?
No. Your application can be applied towards any rental within your price range.

3) How long will you hold my application?
We hold applications for two months. After that, you will need to submit a new application.

4) I don't have a computer. How can I apply?
You can complete the application with most mobile devices or you can use a computer for free at the Park County Library. If that's not an option, we can manually enter your application for you but fees apply.

5) I'm not sure I'll pass your screening. Should I even bother?
Our screening policies are available online, along with our application score sheet. We recommend you self-screen before applying.