Zindars Property Management LLC
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Newly remodeled single office space in Catlin, IL
112 E. Vermilion - Office - C
Catlin, IL 61817
Apply Now
$175 / month
125 sq. ft.
Deposit $300
Available June 11th
Newly remodeled office space. Office completely redone and renovated top to bottom. Includes shared common areas, bathroom, and kitchen area. Parking at front and side of building. Two entrances. High speed internet available as well.
$175 / month
125 sq. ft.
Deposit $300
Available June 11th
Melissa Key
Zindars Property Management LLC
112 E. Vermilion - Office - C
Catlin, IL 61817
Schedule a Showing
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Confirm showing by:
Do you have any pets? *
No pets
One or more cats
One or more dogs
Both cat(s) and dog(s)
What is your verifiable monthly income? *
What's your earliest possible move-in date? *
April 1st
April 16th
May 1st
May 16th
June 1st
June 16th
July 1st
July 16th
August 1st
August 16th
Will you submit to a background and credit check and is your credit score above 620 *
Can you provide two years of rental history from a third party landlord? *
We require a photo of your driver license to verify your identity. After you schedule your showing, we'll send you a text message from 217.212.2040. Please reply to that message with a photo of the required document.*
I understand and agree