Rental Application: 272-274 Wainwright St - 3, Newark, NJ 07112
Application Criteria

Please note that the application fee is NON-REFUNDABLE. 

We understand that applying for a new home is an important decision, and we appreciate your interest in our property. However, it's important to be aware that once paid, the application fee CANNOT BE RETURNED AND REFUNDED regardless of the outcome of your application.

Complete Application
Application Fee: $57 (Per Applicant and Charged Immediately)
An application fee is necessary to verify your rental application. Please be aware and you agree that once paid, the application fee cannot be returned or refunded regardless of the outcome of your application.
By signing this application, I verify that the statements in this application are true and correct. I authorize the use of the information and contacts provided to complete a credit, reference, and /or background check. I understand that false or lack of information may result in the rejection of this application. I also understand that this is not an agreement to rent and that all applications must be approved.